The best 360 Camera! Insta360 ONE RS 1

BothTHETASC2andTHETAVhaveexactlythesameresolutionforstillimages:5376x2688pixels.Ifyouareconsideringbuyinga360degreecameramainlyfor ...,Whiletheprevioustwocamerasarebothpricedandfocussedonaprofessionalaudience,theThetaSCismadeforconsumers.Itfeatur...。參考影片的文章的如下:


What is the difference between the RICOH THETA SC2 ...

Both THETA SC2 and THETA V have exactly the same resolution for still images: 5376 x 2688 pixels. If you are considering buying a 360 degree camera mainly for ...

Ricoh Theta Camera Comparison Table

While the previous two cameras are both priced and focussed on a professional audience, the Theta SC is made for consumers. It features smaller lenses than the ...

Ricoh Theta V vs Insta360 ONE X Image Comparison

2019年11月17日 — Ricoh Theta V vs Insta360 ONE X image comparison | See the real difference between the 2 360 cameras with our split-screen viewer side by ...

Ricoh Theta V 360 度全景相機

Ricoh's excellent optical design and an advanced image processing device SnapDragon, gives you high image quality and superb stitching all in a compact ...


RICOH THETA V · 发布日期 9/2017 · 外形尺寸 45.2 mm(寬)x 130.6 mm(高)x 22.9 mm(17.9 mm *5)(深) · 重量 约121 g · 静态图像分辨率 5376×2688 · 视频分辨率/帧速率/ ...

Theta SC and Theta V 360 Image Comparison

Shooting with the Theta V is almost twice as quick in comparison with the SC, as it not only takes the image quicker but also delivers it to your mobile device ...

Product - Ricoh THETA 360

Even with twin lenses, the THETA boasts a slim body at a mere 17.9 mm thick (THETA V, excluding the lens section) due to the symmetrical arrangement of the ...

RICOH THETA V 4K和insta 360 one x,想聽聽看大家的看法?

2019年3月9日 — 基本上只看單純攝影的話。 還是建議上V,畢竟可用ISO跟光圈有差的。 insta比較偏向是社群娛樂、簡單易用。 THETA自玩性跟可塑性比較高,畢竟他的App可動 ...

【陳小可的吃喝玩樂】開箱文:THETA V 360°全景相機

THETA V 擁有19GB的儲存空間,可拍攝靜態影像約4,800 張照片,視訊方面,每次錄影時間可設定最大5分鐘或25 分鐘,總錄製時間約40分鐘4K影像或約130分鐘的2K影像。


BothTHETASC2andTHETAVhaveexactlythesameresolutionforstillimages:5376x2688pixels.Ifyouareconsideringbuyinga360degreecameramainlyfor ...,Whiletheprevioustwocamerasarebothpricedandfocussedonaprofessionalaudience,theThetaSCismadeforconsumers.Itfeaturessmallerlensesthanthe ...,2019年11月17日—RicohThetaVvsInsta360ONEXimagecomparison|Seetherealdifferencebetweenthe2360cameraswithoursplit-screenviewers...